All Round Land Rover Discovery 3 Air Suspension

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All Round Land Rover Discovery 3 Air Suspension

There are many different components that make up the all round air suspension of your Land Rover Discovery 3.discovery 3 air suspension This includes a compressor, a dryer assembly, a set of air struts, and a set of tires. Each of these parts plays a different role in helping to give you a smooth ride.

The Land Rover Discovery 3 / LR3 has a small but powerful air compressor that dispenses pressurized air to various components of the air suspension.discovery 3 air suspension It is located beneath your vehicle on the left side of the chassis. Unlike other brands of air suspension systems, the Land Rover compressor is a direct-connection system. If it fails, your car will start losing boost pressure. Eventually, this will lead to black smoke pouring out of the exhaust.

The most logical thing to do when your car isn't running is to look for the culprit.discovery 3 air suspension While most of the faults aren't immediately obvious, if you're able to identify the cause, you can start repairing the problem before it gets worse. One of the more common problems is a split in the main intercooler hose. A new hose is included with the package. Ideally, you want a hose that's made from a rubber-like material that will resist the wear and tear associated with the rigors of an off-roader.

While the air bladder might be the most visible part of your air suspension system, it isn't the most expensive.discovery 3 air suspension The least expensive component of your car's air suspension is the O-rings that keep the air bladder in place. Once you've fixed the problem, be sure to replace the O-rings with a new pair.

The all round air suspension of your Land Rover Discovery 3 / LR3 consists of several air struts, each one containing a gas-charged tube filled with hydraulic fluid that acts as a perch for the air bladder. The struts also help to dampen vibration and provide a smooth ride.

While the air bladder is certainly the star of the show, the all-round system consists of a number of air pipe components that deliver pressurized air from the onboard compressor to four air bellows on each of the four wheels. In addition to the above components, your Land Rover Discovery 3 / LR3 is also equipped with an electronic height sensor that reports to the control module the differences in ride height. Eventually, these sensors will wear out and require replacement.

Probably the best way to tell whether your air suspension system is working correctly is to get a diagnostic scan. If you can't find any error messages on the display screen, try restarting the car to see if the problem has resolved itself. Some symptoms to look out for include sagging ends and a loss of 3 to 5 inches in ride height. Usually, this is the only indicator that you'll see, but you can usually fix the problem by inspecting the air hoses or even replacing the O-rings.

As you can see, the Land Rover Discovery 3 / LR3 air suspension is a complex and expensive system to maintain. Even the smallest flaws can quickly make the suspension system fail, requiring expensive repair and replacement.

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